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Congratulations go out to the BLUE Team, who defeated the RED Team by a Final Score of 17 points to 13 points over the 2-day competition. Special recognition to our Captains, Mark Duerst (BLUE Team) and Harland Kilborn (RED Team)

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Red: Dave Smith, Wayne Anderson, Harlan Kilborn, Frank Uvanile, Ron Myers, Keith Yothers, Peter Anderson, JP McClernon, David Bolognino, Pat Mooney, Mike Heath (missing), Tom Olejnik (missing)

Blue: Mark Duerst, Darryl Searer, Mark Barnett, Bob Woldyk, John Caraher, Ron Sam, Bob Shower, Tom West, Michael McKinzie, Ron Schefdore, Doug Harrington, Jeff McCall (missing)

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